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The Huxleys


Hasenheide 107 – 113
D-10967 Berlin


E-mail: info@huxleysneuewelt.de


Subway: U8 to Hermannplatz
Bus: Busses 171,194, M29, M41 to Hermannplatz

Photo: Monique Wüstenhagen

A name in Berlin for almost a century. Variety stage, sports palace, roller skating rink and excursion destination on the edge of the Volkspark Hasenheide. The HUXLEYS has a long history, and it is associated with entertainment, pleasure and live music.

Now new signs have been set. The company Trinity Music has invested, renovated and remodeled in recent years to meet the upscale demands of a wide variety of productions in the coming decade.

The HUXLEYS has become a modern, lovingly decorated venue. The newly installed sound and lighting system meets the standards of current event technology, and the installation of a spectator stand means that the hall can now also be used with partial seating. A new freight elevator was purchased and the checkroom and office area was completely renovated. The spacious kitchen allows for catering on a large scale. The interior of the hall has been transformed into an exciting experience for the audience through elaborate light projections and ambitious decorations.

Hermannplatz, the intersection of two underground lines and several bus lines, can be reached quickly and easily from all parts of the city. The district of Neukölln is now considered "the new" trendy district. Artists and creative people are settling here, the gastronomy is developing - and HUXLEYS is right in the middle of it.

The HUXLEYS is on its way to reinventing itself. A multifunctional event centre, a home for concerts, parties, culture or meetings - the old walls breathe a sigh of relief and remind us that history is alive here.