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Russians Against War - Charity Concert


Date 06.04.2022
Start: 20:00
Doors: 19:00

Presale 39€ € (plus fee)


Liebe Konzertbesucher*Innen,

ab dem 01. April 2022 entfallen in Berlin die Nachweispflicht über den Impfstatus/Genesenenstatus/Negativtest sowie die Pflicht zum Tragen einer FFP2-Maske auf Veranstaltungen.

Zu eurem eigenen und dem Schutz aller anderen Besucher empfehlen wir euch dennoch weiterhin während des Veranstaltungsbesuches freiwillig einen medizinischen Mund-Nasen-Schutz zu tragen, sowie freiwillig vor dem Veranstaltungsbesuch einen entsprechenden Schnelltest zu machen/machen zu lassen.


Oxxxymiron, one of the most influential and prominent hip-hop performers in Russia, started a series of charity concerts Russians Against War. 100% of the proceeds from tickets sales and online donations go to Ukrainian refugees who had to flee their country due to the war. Russians Against War – RAW – concerts already took place in Istanbul and London. 125 000 dollars were transfered to Fundacja Świętego Mikołaja www.mikolaj.org.pl/Ukraina. The next RAW concert will take place in Berlin at Huxleys Neue Welt on 6 April 2022. Due to Internet blocking and censorship, it is becoming increasingly difficult for people in Russia to express their real attitude towards the war, so raising money is not only financial support, but also an opportunity to be heard.