27MarStart: 20:00 | Doors: 19:00Cari Cari + Support: AviramJUGENDSCHUTZ: U16
03AprStart: 20:00 | Doors: 19:00Benjamin Clementine + SUpport: BEAVEN WALLER
05AprStart: 20:00 | Doors: 19:00Phillip Boa and the Voodooclub Support: play singles + songs from their catalogue +Vanessa Anne ReddSold Out
06AprStart: 20:00 | Doors: 19:00Father John Misty + Support: Butch BastardSold Out
03MayStart: 20:00 | Doors: 19:00Phillip Boa and the Voodooclub + Support: play singles + songs from their catalogue +Klez.eZUSATZSHOWSold Out
29MayStart: 20:00 | Doors: 19:00Stereolab
22JunStart: 20:00 | Doors: 19:00The Maccabees
29JunStart: 20:00 | Doors: 19:00BRIGHT EYES + Support: WILLIAM THE CONQUERORVERLEGT!! Die Show wird aus dem Tempodrom ins Huxleys Neue Welt verlegt! Tickets behalten ihre Gültigkeit!
04SepStart: 20:00 | Doors: 19:00Matt Berninger + Support: Ronboy
05OctStart: 20:00 | Doors: 19:00The Cat Empire
07OctStart: 20:00 | Doors: 19:00XAVIER RUDD
16OctStart: 20:00 | Doors: 19:00Eivør +special guest: Ásgeir +support: Elinborg
23OctBeginn: 19:00 | Einlass: 20:00ETHEL CAIN + Support: 9MILLION
02NovStart: 20:00 | Doors: 19:00The Fray