House rules

1. area of application

The house rules – in their current version – apply to the entire premises of „Huxleys Neue Welt“ (hereinafter referred to as „Huxleys“), including all access routes, outdoor areas, open spaces and parking areas. The house rules apply on all days for the visitors of the Huxleys, the employees, the users and their employees.

2. infringements

Violations of the house rules can lead to immediate expulsion, exclusion from the event or a permanent ban from the house. All holders of the domiciliary right and the representatives of the transferred domiciliary right are entitled to this. A permanent house ban can be issued verbally. For documentation purposes, the personal data of the person concerned will be recorded.

3. Aim of the house rules

The house rules are intended to prevent danger or damage to persons and property, to ensure that events run smoothly, and to protect Huxleys from damage and contamination.

4. domiciliary rights / enforcement of the house rules

The domiciliary rights at Huxleys are exercised by the company „Channel Music GmbH“ (hereinafter referred to as „Operator“). By proxy, this is exercised by the manager of the Huxleys and / or the commissioned security service, provided that the house rules have been transferred to them. The right of the operator / the organizer to claim damages against the visitor remains unaffected.

5. access and stay of visitors

The Huxleys is not a generally accessible area. Access and stay at events will only be granted upon presentation of a valid admission ticket / accreditation. All visitors must carry their admission ticket with them during their stay at the Huxleys. This ticket must be presented upon request by the operator / house rights holder and, if necessary, handed over for inspection. Accreditations must be worn visibly at all times; any loss must be reported. The validity and usability of the admission ticket are governed by the general terms and conditions for the purchase of admission tickets of the respective organizer. Visitors who are found at Huxleys without a valid admission ticket / without a valid accreditation may be immediately expelled from the premises without further justification.

The admission ticket loses its validity when leaving the Huxleys. This does not apply to visitors who have been marked as such when leaving. In this case, re-entry is possible in conjunction with the original admission ticket. The visitor must request this circumstance independently. A refusal of re-entry due to serious reasons remains unaffected.

The security service is authorized to carry out access, baggage and personal checks. These can be carried out manually or with the help of detectors (metal probes). The presentation of identification documents may be required.

6. Admission and stay of children / adolescents

The admission and stay of children and adolescents is in principle subject to the currently valid „Youth Protection Act“. The following restrictions / additions apply:

  • Children and young people under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a person with parental authority. A person with parental authority is not sufficient. The duty of identification / proof must be observed.
  • Adult persons with parental authority may accompany a maximum of 2 children and young people between 14 and 16 years of age in order to ensure the duty of supervision.
    Exceptions to this are the responsibility of the operator / the security service (insofar as domiciliary rights have been transferred).
  • Proof of parental authority must be provided in the form of a fully completed and signed authorisation („Muttizettel“) and a copy of the identity card of the person with parental authority. A subsequently completed or incomplete authorisation does not constitute a valid educational order.
  • Children under 6 years of age are generally not admitted to events. This does not apply to events which are explicitly intended for children and young people or which are suitable for families.
  • Children and young people generally require a valid admission ticket. Other regulations can be found in the general terms and conditions of the respective organisers.

7. Denial of admission / exclusion from the event

Visitors may be refused admission if official regulations or safety reasons prevent this. Furthermore, admission may be refused / exclusion from the event may take place if, for example, the following circumstances exist:

  • The guest refuses to comply with the required control measures upon entry.
  • The guest does not follow the instructions of the security service or the operator.
  • The guest is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • The guest is recognisably prepared to commit violence or to instigate acts of violence.
  • The guest has a recorded and valid ban from the premises.
  • The guest has the recognisable intention of disrupting the event.
  • The guest is carrying prohibited objects according to paragraph 7″.
  • The guest pretends to carry a weapon or explosive devices. In this case, an immediate arrest with the help of physical force, as well as police measures will be taken.
  • The guest wears clothing / brands that are not desired by the operator / organiser.

A refund of the ticket value will not be granted in these cases.

8. prohibited objects

All visitors to Huxleys are prohibited from carrying the following items:

  • Backpacks, handbags and bags whose largest side exceeds DIN A4 size (21×29.7 cm). Furthermore, suitcases, boxes, cartons and prams. Prams are exempt if the event is explicitly for children / young people or suitable for families. In this case, the prams must be parked in the allocated place.
  • Weapons of any kind.
  • Objects that can be used as weapons or as projectiles.
  • Notebooks, tablets, tripods, selfie sticks.
  • Gas spray bottles, corrosive or colouring substances or pressurised containers for highly flammable / harmful gases. Commercially available pocket lighters and small deodorants / hair sprays are excluded.
  • Glass bottles / containers, bottles, cans, jerry cans, hard packaging made of glass or any other fragile, splintering or particularly hard material.
  • Pyrotechnic articles.
  • Flammable articles, poles, sticks. Excluding walking sticks for obviously walking-impaired persons.
  • Mechanically, pneumatically, electrically or otherwise operated noise instruments (megaphones, vuvuzelas, etc.).
  • Clothing, emblems, writings, posters or other objects that serve e.g. to express racist, xenophobic, right-wing or left-wing extremist, national socialist or political opinions or as propaganda material and whose display in public is prohibited. Stricter regulations of the respective organiser remain unaffected.
  • Bulky objects (ladders, stools, folding chairs, chairs).
  • Laser pointers, flagpoles and banners longer than 1m or with a diameter of more than 1.5cm. Approved flags / banners must fall under the term „flame-retardant“ (building material class DIN 4102-1 B1) in terms of their material.
  • Banners over 1 sqm (at sporting events), banners, posters over DIN A3 (at other events, concerts).
  • Large quantities of paper, wallpaper rolls, large quantities of confetti, etc.
  • Drugs within the meaning of the Narcotics Act (BtMG).
  • Any foodstuffs. Exceptions apply to guests who have to bring food and drink with them due to illness (diabetes etc.) on presentation of a doctor’s certificate or appropriate identification. Furthermore, the catering of babies and small children is excluded from the ban.
  • Animals of any kind.
  • Umbrellas of any size with a pointed end. This excludes small telescopic umbrellas which can be stowed in hand luggage and have a blunt end.

In deviation from the information provided, other, stricter regulations of the respective organiser may apply.

Beverage containers (reusable containers) removed at the entrance must be collected after the event upon presentation of the removal stamp/number. For reasons of hygiene and storage, these will be disposed of after the building has been closed. In this case, compensation for damages is excluded.

9. required behaviour

Every visitor must behave in such a way that no other person is harmed, endangered or excessively obstructed or inconvenienced (interpersonal contact / decency).

Any announcements must be heeded and instructions, light signals and acoustic signals from the staff / official emergency services must be obeyed.

For safety / event-related reasons, guests may also be required to occupy seats other than those indicated on the admission ticket. In this case, there is no entitlement to a refund of the ticket.

All objects / things found in Huxleys must be reported / handed in to the staff immediately.

Personal injury and damage to property must be reported to the staff immediately.

All technical installations (fire alarms, hydrants, electrical distribution / control panels, heating / ventilation systems, etc.) must be kept clear.

Entrances/exits, stairways, escape routes and emergency exits must be kept clear without restriction.

Accident hazards (e.g. spilled drinks on stairs, failed lighting, etc.) must be reported to the staff as soon as possible.

Helpless persons are to be reported to the staff or, if necessary, to the medical service.