ABGESAGT! Tickets können an den jeweiligen Vorverkaufsstellen zurück gegeben werden!

Datum: 24.10.2024
Beginn: 20:00
Einlass: 19:00
VVK: 41,50 € (zzgl. Gebühr)
Website: https://www.zodiaclung.com/
Video: Auf Youtube ansehen
Music: Auf Spotify anhören
„- It is with regret that I have to announce cutting this tour short by 10 shows.
I started the tour off with a mild cold that worsened to the point of blowing my voice out more than a few times and continuing would not only seriously damage the vocal cords but sound like shit as well. So in the interest of both health and quality I’m pulling the plug.
My sincere apologies go out to ticket holders of these canceled shows. We’ll surely make up for them when we return.
Finally, many thanks for everybody who came out. You ROCK!“