Datum: 18.10.2020
Beginn: 10:00
Website: https://www.worldofdance.com/
Video: Auf Youtube ansehen
*WODBER20 has been postponed due to the Corona Virus! ?*
We have been closely monitoring the local heath situation regarding the coronavirus in Berlin for the past few weeks. Our perspective has been for the event to continue unless the local Health Minister determined it unsafe or advised/required events to be cancelled.
Yesterday, Berlin’s minister of Health did indeed require all events to be cancelled through April 19th. Due to this decision, World of Dance Berlin has been cancelled. It is with heavy hearts that we must move the event to October 18th, 2020. The location remains same: The Huxleys Neue Welt.
For more info on tickets and registration, visit our website: https://www.eventioninc.com/…/world-of-dance-championship-…/
World of Dance is the largest International Urban Dance Competition with focus on the art of street dancing and today’s new aged choreography. World of Dance is the largest touring event that embraces Urban Dance and Lifestyle. Hundreds of participants with the country’s top dance teams, and thousands of spectators will partake in a performance festival setting, awarding today’s top dancers with the most prestigious acknowledgements.
Don’t miss out, submit your act now through this link:
Please read below as the registration process for International Regionals differs slightly from the American process described on our website.
1. Requirements:
Audition Video
• The audition video may be of your dance group’s most recent performance.
• Make sure your video showcases the very best of your group’s abilities.
Acts can register for Junior Team Division or Upper Team Division, see below:
Junior Team Division*
o Groups must have a minimum number of 5 registered dancers.
o ALL dancers must be aged 17 years old, or younger.
• Upper Team Division*
o Groups must have a minimum number of 5 dancers who are 18 years and over.
o Groups can be comprised of dancers who are of mixed ages over & under 18.
* To be clear: Upper Team division may contain teams with dancers younger than 18
, but this does not work the other way around. As soon as a team has 1 member who is 18 years or older, the entire team must compete in the Upper Team division.
Once your group has submitted an audition video, the World of Dance Tour Team will begin the audition process. After your video has been evaluated, we’ll let you know the answer either way. Your group’s primary contact will be notified with whether or not you’ve been accepted to compete/perform.
2. Registration
• Your registration form must include your group’s bio. Make it great! Your bio will be used to introduce your group’s performance at the World of Dance event.
3. Payment Requirements
Each person entering the event must pay an entrance fee. Dancers pay for their tickets by purchasing tickets through the website www.eventioninc.com
Audience members purchase their tickets through the venue’s website:
Ticket types:
Junior Division Tickets:
Regular price: €20,- (ex. fees and taxes)
¥ Gives access only to the Junior Team Division program
Upper/Team Division Ticket
Regular price: €20,- (ex. fees and taxes)
¥ Gives access only to the Upper Team Division program
All-Day Pass:
Regular price: €35,- (ex. fees and taxes)
¥ All day admission (Junior Team & Upper Team Divisions)
There are extremely limited amounts of the All-Day Pass available, buy your tickets on time!
3. Music
All dance groups must submit performance music 2 weeks prior to the World of Dance event date. All music must be in an mp3 format, and emailed to antwerp@worldofdance.com. The email format should be as follows:
Email Title: Team Name – Event City
Example: WOD Crew – WOD Eindhoven
Music Guidelines
• Profanity and inappropriate or offensive language are NOT allowed. Since World of Dance is a family event, all music must be clean.
• Music and performance time must not exceed 6 minutes in length.
*After your music has been sent in, performers will need to provide a back-up USB labeled with the group name on it. The music file on the back-up USB must be the same file that was approved by email.
4. Pre-show Packets
To get you excited and ready to perform, the World of Dance Tour Team will provide a Talent Packet to each group’s primary contact. The packet includes your check-in time, show line-up, example score sheet, and other vital information pertaining to the event. Talent Packets will be sent out a week prior to the World of Dance event date.
5. Judges Panel & Scoring System
All judges will score each competing team based on the following criteria:
1. PERFORMANCE: 20% (20 points out of 100 points total)
– Facials – Energy – Stage Presence – Showmanship
2. TECHNIQUE: 20% (20 points out of 100 points total)
– Cleanliness of Routine – Execution – Foundations
– Body Control – Musicality – Timing / Synchronisation
3. CHOREOGRAPHY: 20% (20 points out of 100 points total)
– Originality of Routine – Creativity in Routine – Concept
– Variety of Routine – Musicality – Dynamics
4. CREATIVITY: 20% (20 points out of 100 points total)
– Music Selection – Transitions – Theme – Staging/ Blocking
5. PRESENTATION: 20% (20 points out of 100 points total)
– Costume / Performance Attire – Hair & Make-Up – Attitude/Facial Expression
6. Main Stage Area & Back Stage Specs
At World of Dance, the following areas are available for dancers:
¥ Crossover: There is a crossover available to allow for dancers to switch between each side of the stage without being seen. Keep in mind that there may be stairs leading to each side up toward the stage.
¥ Dancer prep area: There is an area dedicated to dancers for stretching and preparing just before taking the stage. This area is only for the next 3 dance crews due to perform. Due to the nature of the venue, it’s pretty much impossible for us to offer proper dressing rooms to each of the hundreds of dancers participating in the event.
Got props in your act? All of them must go through a screening process. The World of Dance Tour Team must approve all performance props prior to the event date. To get approval, email photos of your props to the Event Manager before the event. All props must be fire retardant. Any prop that hasn’t been approved prior to the event will not be allowed on stage.
Due to time constraints, tech rehearsals will not be permitted on the main stage.
7. Awards & Cash Prizes
Awards & Cash Prizes
What’s in it for you? The fun of expressing yourself with hundreds of other dancers, the thrill of sharing your art, and of course: prizes! To celebrate the most successful performances, World of Dance will hold an Awards Ceremony after each division.
• World of Dance will award trophies to dancers/groups that place 1st, 2nd, and 3rd within each division.
• First place winners from the Upper Team Division will receive €700 cash.
• First place winners from the Junior Team Division will receive €400 cash.
• Additional awards will be given in each division for Best Theme, Best Costume, and Crowd.
Teams that compete at a minimum of one World of Dance Regional are eligible to compete at the World of Dance Finals in Los Angeles.
Below are the conditions which must be met in order to be invited to participate at WOD Finals:
• Junior Teams with an average score of 80 points or higher
• Upper Teams with an average score of 80 points or higher
If you have any questions concerning the World of Dance Antwerp Regional, please don’t hesitate to contact us: